Our team: It’s in the mix!
The people behind Sill Optics are our greatest assets. Experienced employees impart their wealth of knowledge to curious trainees, while staying open to fresh ideas. This results in a productive, motivated mix: Over half of our employees are technical specialists, many of whom were trained here. Our apprenticeship rate has been at a constant high of an average of 10 per cent for years. Want to be a part of it? Get in touch!

Christoph Sieber

Benjamin Sauter

Jürgen Stollhof
Director Sales & Marketing

Markus Klahr
Manager Internal Sales

Bernhard Westerhoff
Global Key Account Manager

Christoph Sieber
Special Materials and Public Affairs

Stefan Best
Senior Sales Engineer

Tamer Citak
Country Manager Turkey

Karen Bloß
Customer Care

Lenka Hightower
Customer Care

Sabine Epner
Customer Care

Sabrina Rienesl
Customer Care

Sophia Tillack
Customer Care

Sara Hildebrandt
Customer Care

Martin Kolb
Product Management Laser Optics

Manuel Zenz
Project Management Laser Optics

Cornelia Halbhuber
Project Management Laser Optics

Thomas Schuffenhauer
Project Management Laser Optics

Raphaela Streit
Project Management Imaging Optics

Dr. Jonas Herbst
Project Management Laser Optics

Andreas Platz
Project Management Imaging Optics

Katharina Konerth
Project Management Imaging Optics

Julian Perlitz
Project Management Imaging Optics

Markus Eißfeld
Director Production Division

Michael Ahlhelm
Director Buyer & Purchasing

Daniel Mangold
Director Supply Chain Management

Michael Ahlhelm
Director Buyer & Purchasing Manager

Julia Christ
Teamleader of Human Resources