At Sill Optics, we are committed to maintaining high standards of good corporate governance and ethical behavior. We believe that internal policies and procedures provide a structure for Sill Optics' operations that meets the interests of all our stakeholders as well as legal requirements. An essential element of good corporate governance is an organization that ensures compliance with laws, rules and regulations.
Code of Conduct
Sill Optics' Group-wide Code of Conduct contains important principles and rules on the following topics to support employees in their day-to-day business and decision-making processes:
- Responsible and risk-conscious behavior throughout the organization;
- Conformity of the entire Sill Optics organization with legal, regulatory and internal requirements as well as ethical and social guidelines and values;
- Fair and respectful interaction without any form of discrimination;
- Avoidance of conflicts of interest, through strict separation of Sill Optics' interests from those of its business partners;
- Employee engagement in public affairs;
- Handling company property;
- Handling confidential company information, especially trade and business secrets and personal data;
- Communicating with the public, especially the media and investors;
- Commitment to fair competition in compliance with all applicable competition and antitrust laws;
- Compliance with the Sill Optics anti-corruption policy;
- Conduct towards the capital market, especially in dealing with insider information;
- Environmental and safety-conscious behavior in the workplace;
- Product compliance with international and national laws and standards and ensuring product safety;
- Reporting, processing and sanctioning violations of the regulations of the Compliance Code of Conduct.
Compliance with legal regulations, internal rules and the Code of Conduct is a priority at Sill Optics. The success of our company is based on integrity and compliance. In order to live up to this claim, it is important to learn of possible misconduct by employees and to prevent it. The Sill Optics whistleblower system processes incoming reports independently and confidentially. Sill Optics also offers the option of anonymous reporting. The persons concerned are presumed innocent until the violation is proven. Investigations are conducted with the utmost confidentiality.
The whistleblower system for anonymous reporting can be found here.